Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Gang's (Almost) All Here

The gang just left.

My critique group gang met this evening. We usually terrorize Borders Bookstore, but a couple of months ago they decided to start closing at nine during the summer months.

That bites!

See, everyone in our groups basically has no life. Our greatest moments are when we all get together twice a month to shoot the breeze and dish on each other's latest writing excursions. It is an absolute blast and something we tend to look forward to. For the first 45 minutes or so we're all catching up on the latest that has been occuring in each other's lives. Couple of months ago it was pouring over pics of Julie's wedding. We've celebrated birthday moments together. Tonight we discussed some difficult family events from this week with Brian. We all need that time to let it all hang out.

Then we get down to business.

Now that Borders is closing so early, we begin feeling the pressure to get it all done when they start making announcements at 8:30. Then it is get the picture. Being rushed is not a fun way to spend an evening. Then to top it off we get unceremoniously shoved out the door.

Oh the inhumanity!

So we decided until hours went back to normal, we needed a better place to hang. Therefore, I invited everyone over to my humble abode. Plus my sectional makes a great group venue. The music isn't too loud either.

Wasn't sure how I was going to manage it. Can't have people in my home without it being at least somewhat clean and I usually don't do that until the weekend. Kids come in so handy on such occasions. :-) But it seems that things went well. I hope everyone had a nice time.

Maybe in two weeks I'll have cookies to share if I can think of it before the drive home from work.

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