Friday, October 3, 2008

A Glimmer of Light

I almost fell out of my chair last night.

For the last several years, my son has been lazy and uninterested when it comes to his school work. The kid is bright and intelligent, but he kinda skipped out on life for awhile. Life was a bit hard and he struggled in many areas. A glimmer of light began to show through toward the end of school last year.

I had high hopes for this year.

So far it has sounded like things have gone pretty well. He's mentioned a couple of geometry tests he's aced, interesting topics in modern world history, and other interesting components in his classes.

All sounds well - but I was still feeling a bit keyed up and nervous. I didn't want to look at his grades online and once again feel so at a loss for how to help him or what to do or angry that he was squandering the incredible talent God had given him.

Last night I knew I couldn't put it off any longer. We're getting close to mid-semester and if he was faltering in any classes, he'd still have time to turn things around if I got ahold of him soon enough. What was the picture going to look like? I was dreading another confrontation.

When the grades screen popped up, I was so pleasantly pleased. A's and B's. We're not just talking he's barely squeaking by either - these are solid grades in the mid to upper ranges. He's acing geometry and biology, among others. Wow! My buttons just about popped off my blouse.

This morning I told him I'd checked his grades. He didn't even look scared or like he was about to get verbally creamed. He already knew he was doing good just by the daily work accomplishments. My son even mentioned how it all seems to be sinking in and he's able to recall most of it.

I told him he should be very proud of himself. I know I am. Just hope it lasts.

I have a feeling that this time it just might. That is if my son has anything to do with it.

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