Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Clip

Well it's two and ahalf months late, but I finally did it.

My hair is cut!

My hair has been long or just below my shoulders since I can remember. I think the last time I had short hair was when I was maybe four or five and my parents ran the city swimming pool. My mom proceeded to take all three of us girls into the salon for super short hair cuts (I think they were called shags).

I was mad at my mom a long time for that one.

Needless to say, I've had my hair long since I've been able to care for it myself. So when I got a wild hair to go with a funky short cut, I didn't want to put it off too long and lose my nerve. After all, it is only hair. It'll always grow back if I don't like it.

My original appointment was the first Saturday in October. However, when I got the part in the play in September, I realized very quickly that I was going to have to cancel that appointment and wait to go with the quirky hairstyle. I don't think that would have fit with the 1940's era. It gave me a few months too in order to grow it out even longer for the stylists to have a little fun with my updo.

Putting off the cut was hard to do. I wasn't sure I could hang onto my nerve that long. But I rescheduled anyway for this past Saturday.

I almost didn't go through with it, but after talking it over with Julie she convinced me that she thought it would look great on me.

That first snip just about made my knees shiver. Then she held up the thick strand of about five inches she'd whacked off the back. My son about had a cow. He's never seen me with my hair short. Have to admit, I didn't stop to think about that until Julie started cutting, so she let him stay back with me and watch the process.

After it's all said and done, I love my new cut. It's short in the back tapering to longer tresses in the front that frame my face quite nicely.

I still surprise myself in the mornings when I go to get in the shower. Not sure how long it will take to get used to. Maybe in a few weeks I won't be shocked everytime I see myself in the mirror.


Gary said...

No photo?

Denise said...

Not yet - I'll probably get some during Christmas and post then. Patience, man, patience!