Monday, January 26, 2009

Old Faithful

It hasn't even been two months since I got over the last bout, and now I'm trying to come down with a nasty cold again.

Probably related to being a bit stressed out of late. Haven't hardly been out of the house, so I really don't think it is something picked up elsewhere unless from church.

You know, this whole getting sick all the time stuff is ridiculous. Before stress got to me years before, I had an iron-clad immune system. I NEVER got sick. The only times I missed work were when I had to stay home and take care of my son because he got sick.

A friend of mine warned me about that when they start kindergarten.

So it is really hard now getting sick at the drop of a hat. There's all sorts of articles out there on stress and how it affects the body, mind, and spirit. Most of all, I'm just worried about the body part.

Did you know they even have the American Institute of Stress? Amazing!

Some days I'm almost tempted to live in a bubble. Oh yeah, like that will work. Several years ago I decided to join a gym and work out several times a week to try to improve my overall health because I was told exercise would help strengthen my immune system.


When cold and flu season hit, I would pick up everything from those stupid machines. Then I'd be out of the gym for about a month or so to avoid spreading the love. Once well, I would return only to come down with round two. Then round three!

Did that for two years. I was paying for services I was not being rendered, plus the cost of doctor visits, missed work, and any medications needed to help me kick the junk. Decided it wasn't worth it any longer.

So I bought a treadmill instead.

Getting out and around other people was so nice and alot of fun, but the corresponding rhinovirus attacks left me in the cold. Therefore I've become a home body when it comes to working out. I've got my ten minute pilates DVD and my treadmill. Except for a couple of months after the big move last year I've been a faithful adherent.

I just wish this cold stuff wasn't so faithful. Yes, I know - this too shall pass.


Gary said...

I can help you with your cold. Do you want my garlic remedy?

Denise said...

Sounds lovely, however we eat garlic on almost everything (except tacos). I love the stuff, but tell me what your witch doctor scheme is.

Pamela J Pierce, RDN, LD said...

How long do your colds last? I have had mine for 3 weeks now and this morning I broke out the neti pot. I have never used it before but the kids have. I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow I think I might cancel as I don't feel incredibly bad it just keeps wanting to come back.