Sunday, June 21, 2009

Stealing the Limelight

I've been a bad girl. Forgot to post anything last night.

In all honesty I was writing, just not on my blog. My new storyline is rapidly developing into alot more than I'd originally intended. I'm finding it to be a good thing too.

Take my new detective, for instance. Originally Shaun Landry was going to be a minor character - important, mind you, but minor and only showing up when I needed him.

However, over the last several days he's whispered into my ear an interesting backstory, a sad backstory that lends alot to the overall idea. Then I figured out a way to tie his backstory into the main storyline.

But I'm not going to tell him how just yet.

So what started out as a minor character has quickly developed into a main character. I find myself with not one but two protagonists. Who knows? Detective Landry may end up stealing the entire show.

He does seem to like the limelight, you know.

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