Glory be! Mom just sent me this picture of we girls at Thanksgiving. I love it!
After a busy morning of cooking and afternoon of eating and then cleaning up, we girls crashed on my humongous bed and watched sweet and sappy Christmas movies.
By the way, I really DO need to get my pictures back up on my walls in my bedroom. That wall behind us is completely blank. Did not realize how awful that looked. I need to take advantage of some coming time off to deal with the blank walls all around my house.
Anyway this picture sure does bring back the memories from those wonderful couple of days. Yes, I was tired when it was all over with but it was so absolutely fun while everyone was here that I didn't notice it at that time. I think everyone was happy and comfortable while here and we all had different areas of the house we could hang out in without crawling over each other and getting on each others nerves.
I know I'm quite capable of that, thank you. No comments from the Brian or Gary section in that regard.
Sure hope I have the luxury of hosting my family again. Well I do know I will in a couple more years when my son graduates from high school. Everybody better the heck come back or I'm going to hunt them down and drag them here!
Have a happy evening now, you here?
I have NO idea what you mean.
Of course you don't.
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