Friday, February 6, 2009

The Bag Kitty Attacks

My cats love bags - particularly Toby.

Everytime I go to Wal-mart or Braum's and bring home a bag or two, I must empty them as quickly as possible and pile them on the kitchen floor.

Then the fun begins.

Toby flies into the bag pile like a kid into leaves. He tears through them and drags them across the floor until it looks like a veritable tornado has swept through my house.

Occasionally he gets himself caught in the handles up to his waist. Then he can't get himself loose from the crazy thing and drags it around the house, meowing pitifully or trying to pounce on the bag as if he were chasing his tail.

The cat surely has kitty ADD or ADHD - whatever. Can't keep all these syndromes straight anymore.

So I end up having to untangle him. What does he do? Jumps right back into the bag pile.

Did I mention that he has a short-term memory problem too?

Needless to say, my cats make life interesting. Paws is once again sitting halfway in front of my computer screen trying to catch the words as I type them. He intermitently bites then paws at the screen as if he's actually going to catch the cursor someday.

I wonder if cats can learn to read? Maybe that's what he's doing all these times - becoming scholar kitty.

So my household consists of bag kitty and scholar kitty.

What in the world will they do next?

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