Monday, February 2, 2009

Job Search Java

Been really busy all day today doing some research.

While my parents were here over the weekend, we got to talking about some different ideas I've had about what I might consider doing outside the norm.

Truth be told, I'm tired of the corporate life. My time is not my own. It's a constant struggle to keep a balance between work and home life. A losing battle pretty much.

So I told my parents I didn't care about making the big paycheck anymore. All I want to be able to do is once again enjoy my life and just be able to pay the bills with a little to continue putting away in savings for retirement and emergencies.

No more corporate life for me.

Ideas floated around. We got to talking about what I might be able to do and how I might be able to go about doing it.

Don't mean to sound cocky when I say this, but I have no doubt that I'll be able to accomplish whatever I set out to do.

My dad believes that about me too. We're considering the oddest of possibilities - a partnership, as you will.

I live in one of the fastest growing and most sought after communities in the entire state. Housing is at a premium out here. Rentals are an enormous rarity. My dad once owned and rented some properties, but they weren't in highly sought after neighborhoods or towns. He had a difficult time dealing with it as a business, God love him.

He's got such a tender heart sometimes that it doesn't bode well in such an industry. But he's always wanted to be successful at property ownership.

So we're thinking - JUST THINKING - at the moment that if he can pick up some REO properties on the market here for a song that I will manage the business side and he can enjoy the profits to add to his retirement.

See, I've got the business mind and he's got the money right now. I don't have the corporate job weighing on me at the moment, but I love being around other people.

Strange as it may sound, this just might actually have the potential to work to both of our benefits. Not alot of money in it for me until we get into several good properties, but the potential is there. Plus there's also the potential to help my mom and dad enjoy an even cushier retirement.

If you've got the money, now's the time to be investing it in real estate. Property values will always come back.

Who knows about my 401k!


Pamela J Pierce, RDN, LD said...

You are a brave woman!!!

Denise said...

Yes, I know, but that's where distance can be the great denominator. We're still just in the considering stage. May not happen, you know. :-)