Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Beard Brigade

Well I was planning to write about the outcome of my son's facial hair last night, but I had a panic attack instead. Sorry!

The mustache and beard have officially been dismissed. For now, anyway. On the drive home Sunday, my son explained that the reason he did it is because it bothered his half-sister. Then he proceeded to tell me that after he shaved it off, she didn't even notice it until he mentioned it to her. He was a bit ticked.

I told him it was kind of him to be considerate of his sister's feelings, but to next time also consider that it is his face and his beard. Isn't how he feels about it important too? Obviously it didn't bother his sister that much, and something so personal as whether or not to grow facial hair is up to the person who chooses to grow it (as long as they take care of it!). It is okay to respectfully decline to conform to what others think we should look like.

Don't get me wrong. I do think it is important for authority to be respected (this in regard to his father, not his sister). But as our kids get older, it is important for them to make some decisions for themselves. Choosing to grow facial hair is not comparable to choosing to damage ones body or mind by doing drugs or something destructive, so don't misunderstand my meaning. Our kids need to know that we accept at least some of their decisions and respect their boundaries, commiserate with their age. It's how they grow into responsible adults who won't back down next time based on principal rather than pricklies.

He's already looking forward to growing back the beard . The five o'clock shadow is inching out and he's wondering how much more it will grow before his party on Friday. He's excited about having the opportunity to use his expected birthday present from Grandma. Several kids at school commented about how much younger he looked without the beard.

It seems like it can't grow back fast enough for him. He was right - it will grow back. My hope is that it will be fuller and make him look even more manly.

Go get'em, honey!

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