Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Spring has come back to earth today, and of course this being Kansas that also means wind!

My cats are once again sitting up on my computer desk watching out the window (don't they always??). There doesn't have to be a single creature in the tree, but the whipping of leaves and branches makes their heads dart back and forth almost constantly. I know inside their heads they're both thinking: What was that? Did you see that movement? There's just got to be something there! I'm trying very hard to avoid laughing. Okay, not very hard.

I don't know why I even bother to do my hair of a morning on such a day. The moment I walk out the door it will end up sitting on top of my head like an updo or comb-over. Little children will stare and wonder what I was on when styling my hair that morning, and they'll imagine unicorns or bunnies in the image as if watching cloud formations pass by.

Even so, most days I still enjoy the wind. It's like a breath of fresh air after the storms of winter, carrying a promise of good things to come. When my neighbors aren't looking I love to stand in the path and just let the zephyr plough over me. One can't help but smile with such G-forces tugging at the mouth.

Then again, my neighbors might be smiling as they imagine bunnies in my updo.

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