Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dreaming of a Happy Thanksgiving

It's here!!!

Oh happy day - my dining room suite made it safely in the door minus one armchair, but who's complaining? They'll deliver the other chair in a few days. All is well.

I'm already dreaming of Thanksgiving when I host my entire family in my new home. It will be a first. My previous home was entirely too small to have even a few of my family to visit comfortably, much less all of them: two sisters, their husbands, their four children each, plus my parents, and - hello - myself and my son - ooo, and I almost forgot my new nephew-in-law and great-niece. Now I'm exhausted just thinking of it.

My oldest sister is a great cook, and I'm hoping I'll be able to convince her to come up Thanksgiving Eve and make some of her famous homemade pies. Ooo, I can smell the pumpkin pie already. I have a new broccoli salad recipe (and I don't usually like broccoli) that I'm excited about trying on my family. Then of course, the turkey. I may get one deep-fried this year; yes, they're bad for you but oh so good, and isn't that what counts on Thanksgiving? I've always heard the calories don't count during the holidays.

For now, though, I've spent the last hour-and-ahalf cleaning all the glass and mirrors on the china hutch and the server. I'm looking forward to finally emptying all of the boxes of china and displaying it again. Then I can continue to dream of a Happy Thanksgiving.

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