Monday, May 4, 2009

Novel Recommendation

Finished my first Dean Koontz novel today - Fear Nothing.

A friend let me borrow it a couple of weeks ago. Since I've been stressing out over the job situation and what direction I should take with my career, I just haven't been able to let my brain relax enough to read.

However, after FINALLY finishing the Kati Marton book last week I decided I just needed to get this puppy done and over with too. Read the first couple of chapters last night. This morning I couldn't put it down.

Do you know how long it's been since I've allowed myself to waste an entire day reading a whole book? Probably twenty years! It had to be sometime before I got married because I haven't stopped long enough since that time.

So after dropping my son at school this morning, I decided to just relax and read for a little while. Finished about two-thirty this afternoon. Put it down only briefy to make a sandwich for lunch then picked it right back up again. The book went so fast and there just never seemed a good moment to break from the atmosphere.

The main character was very engaging and sympathetic from the opening pages. I figured out some of the general overall ending components early on but still never felt like I was exactly right on track, which helped keep the tension taut and my mind engaged.

This Koontz guy can write! The pace was fast but steady and never got too far ahead but also never lagged. Loved the almost human characteristics given to the dog, Orson, and the animal play throughout the storyline. Even the surfer dude was kinda likeable, especially with a shotgun in his hands.

I was so intrigued by the characters and the makeup of the story that I wondered if there was a sequel. Sure enough, I'm excited to say that I'll be checking out the library in the next few days for Seize the Night.

I'll be sure to fill you in on that one when I'm finished.

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