Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Writing Whirlwind

My apologies for not posting yesterday.

I find myself immersed in my newest story and am having so much fun with it that I spent the majority of the day writing. However, I still gave up writing on it for a few hours last night in order to watch a rerun and current episode of Deadliest Catch.

It is my favorite show, after all.

Close to midnight I realized I needed to get to bed. The thought of writing in my blog never even touched my brain.

Most people think I'm "touched" anyway, but that's beside the point.

Then after I laid down in bed the storyline continued spinning around like a hamster wheel. Came up with a great ending. Well, great in regard to the story but sad too. It's been interesting where the characters have delved thus far. My whole premise was for it to be a suspenseful and dramatic piece, but you know those characters.

Sometimes they have a will of their own.

Imagine my surprise when one took a humerous turn with a glass of juice. Even as it came to fruition on my computer screen, I laughed out loud. That's usually when I know I've come up with something good.

Funny thing is humor has never been my forte. Usually it ends up coming across as weird or demented to others and not really funny. So I forwarded the few pages I'd written to the humor experts in our critique group to see if it was actually funny or just plain bizarre.

The response was pleasing. So I continue to write.

Last night one of my characters just blew up for almost no apparent reason. I had to tread that one carefully. So many emotions can easily confuse the reader into wondering what genre the story is supposed to be.

But for now I'll not worry about categories and genres and just ride the journey out to where the characters take me.

Who knows? By the time I get to the end, they may have decided on a different path than I'd planned. That be the case, I may have to hold them at gunpoint to get what I want.

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