Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Manly Essence

My mom sent me some pictures today of when we were down for the Fourth of July. This one of my son is just amazing.

The kid has been shaving facial hair since he was twelve. This summer he decided he wanted to let it grow. The picture was from a month ago, and it's twice as heavy now.

My little baby boy is almost a grown man. At least he looks somewhat like it here. It amazes me when I think of what he's been through and how far he's come. His manly essence is starting to show itself. I think he's proud of the fact that he's one of only a handful of guys in his school who can even grow a beard. Gets it from my dad, I suppose.

Next Friday he starts school and is looking forward to showing off his new look. Things are changing so quickly now that at times I can barely keep up. Can't imagine what it will be like by the time he is a senior.

I'll have to ask my sisters about that one.


Pamela J Pierce, RDN, LD said...

I guess you have seen Riley's senior picture on my blog. Riley started shaving at 12.

Denise said...

My goodness - did he? I guess they both inherited that gene, huh?