Monday, May 12, 2008

The Family Budget

The last couple of days have found me busy! My family has kept it that way. After the big choir performance Thursday night, I entertained my parents for a couple of days. Then we had our relaxing Mother's Day (I believe a holiday especially for mothers should include relaxation time for said mothers). Then I got busy working up a budget for a young mother with whom I spend time. It brought back memories.

This young lady is seeking to get out on her own and get a place just for herself and her son. No matter how small an income, every adult child benefits greatly from experiencing life on their own. Having a young child, though, does provide for a few security issues to consider, so rent plays a major factor. When I looked around for an apartment all those years ago, I made sure to check out the parked cars, people milling about, and ask about families around the complex. Comfort and security is worth paying for, and I ended up blowing almost an entire paycheck every month just in rent. Of course that meant I had to make up for it in others areas of my budget. Sacrifices require commitment - that's one point I'm trying to get across.

There are quite a few things she's doing right on her own. While she has the opportunity, she's setting aside funds from every paycheck to cover deposits, first month's rent, and to provide for a cushion in the event of emergency. She's also taken to purchasing some items needed for starting up a new household. That alone gets quite expensive.

When I started out as a single mother, I had the benefit of having already experienced a few years out on my own. Household goods were readily available, and I had a stable, full-time job. But having a child brings all sorts of unexpected expenses, time constraints, and worries that you just cannot account for. However, the flip side is that if one stays where it is always safe, you never get the benefit of truly experiencing all life has to offer. Our children need to know that mommie and/or daddy can take care of them. That means they don't always have the best or newest of everything, but that their needs are provided for and plenty of hugs are dispensed. Having family around can also be a blessing.

Just remember - love is free and is always readily replenishable.

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