Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dark Recesses of the Night

The creative juices are finally flowing again.

Yeah, like I finally have time to THINK again - hello!

The other night I had a really interesting dream that was so enormously engaging and intriguing that when I woke up, it stayed with me most of the day. I knew immediately upon awakening that it would make a great storyline if I could figure out how to make a full-scale novel out of it.

Getting back into writing again has my blood pumping.

Well not that I'm actually writing anything at the moment, just having the time to think about it and let the brain relax and wrap around an idea when it hits.

You know, it's kinda funny now that I think about the dream. There's several of my books that got their start from a dream I had. Sometimes I take just one nugget from that dream and create a whole story from it, while at other times pretty much the entire dream worms its way out onto the page.

The story I finally finished earlier this year actually had its beginnings in the dark recesses of the night. Ended up that I didn't even use that scene in the story, merely the essence of the character. Heck, it was even a year or two after I had the dream and wrote that scene out that I got back to it and created "Running Into The Darkness".

Was very pleased to have actually finished - but the story has a sequel I'll need to get started on someday.

So for now I'll go ahead and pound out the first scene or two that I've got floating around in the grey matter and see where it goes. Perhaps I'll have some submissions for critique group again in a few months.

In the meantime, I'll keep on dreaming and hoping for that best-seller idea to pop into my subconscious. Then it'll be up to me to actually do the typing.

Man - osmosis would really be good here!

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