Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New Phase of Life

Throughout this new phase of my life called unemployment, I've been trying to stay focused on the positives.

One of the ways in which I'm doing that is by working out like a crazy woman. Usually in the past I've hopped on the treadmill after work for about twenty or thirty minutes, three or four times a week. That kept the blood flowing and me feeling good.

But that was when I was working.

Now that I have the time for a more intensive workout, I'm really hitting the treadmill and weights alot harder every single day. The main reason I'm doing this is to keep my endorphins up so that I don't get down in the dumps about not having a job right now. Plus it gives me something to fill part of my schedule when I'm not sitting at the computer typing cover letters and printing envelopes to mail my resume.

When we found out we were getting laid off earlier this year, some of the information I read talked about the pounds that alot of people put on. Of course, I knew I wouldn't be able to afford to replace my wardrobe without a salary, so I decided then that I was not going to be one of those individuals.

So I've been working the treadmill on higher speeds, inclined, for longer and longer periods of time. Pulled out my pilates DVD and refamiliarized myself with some of the moves so that I could do them without the DVD and instead watch a little TV while working out.

After nearly three months, I'm starting to notice some real changes.

Gosh, has it been three months already? Gee!

My stamina has increased substantially. It's even affected my singing. Initially my thighs started to bust out of my jeans from building up muscle so quickly, but now it seems they're starting to slim back down and really tone up.

The place I've really noticed it is in my waist. The thighs of my jeans may be getting tighter but the waist of my jeans is getting pretty loose. Hey, this is kinda fun!

So instead of gaining weight it appears I may be losing it.

Now if I can just gain me some employment - here's hoping!

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