Tuesday, September 16, 2008

An Appointment with the Road

It's been awhile since my son has driven.

We'd been waiting to renew his permit until I had time to take him (have to deal with the work schedule). Then he missed the mark on the first attempt but two weeks later - SUCCESS!

So now it is up to me to make a point of ensuring we get out and actually drive. He's got about eight hours left of night driving, so this evening about 8:00 we popped into the car and drove around town and out on the highway briefly. We were out for about thirty minutes, but it's a totally different picture when driving at night. He did good though.

Told him it was something you never forgot and not to be worried. After about the first five minutes, he was driving like an old pro.

Maybe not an old pro - or even a young pro - but he was finally back on the road nonetheless. Eventually he relaxed.

He probably needs an update on his contact prescription though. I'll need to make an appointment.

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