Monday, September 8, 2008

The Simple Pleasures

My son had a special choir rehearsal this evening.

Over the years, I've learned to love those extra moments at home alone. Finished up one of the books I was reading. Opened the windows and let in the rush of northern breezes that blew in this afternoon. Listened to the wind rustle the leaves in the trees.

I sense the early onset of autumn. It's welcome relief in this household, as we are cold adventure lovers around here.

When finished with the rehearsal, my son called and said he'd just walk on home. His eyes were bright when he came in the door. The cool weather hit the spot after a sweaty hour of dancing.

A perfect time for ice cream!

Rarely do I offer the extra calories that come with ice cream. It goes straight to my thighs! But tonight was a night of enjoying the simple pleasures life sometimes throws our way.

So I threw calorie worries out the door, and we drove to Sonic to enjoy an Oreo blast and a chocolate/caramel shake. Ah - hit the spot.

Go on - take a moment this week to find pleasure in something simple. It's pure magic.

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