Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Skit Guys

My son has introduced me to the "Skit Guys". He found them at IYC this past summer in San Antonio. They're hilarious!

My son pulled up several videos of their skits on You Tube or God Tube or one of those (I lost track). There's one about the Beanie Weenies, Jesus in a Box (soooo funny), The Newscasters, I lost track eventually.

Several in particular really struck me. You know what they say about good comedy, don't you? In order for it to be good, it must have an element of truth to it. The Jesus in a Box skit was very telling, so was the one about the Bible Basher. I asked my son if he saw the element of truth in those skits. He basically said he enjoyed them for the laugh and didn't want to get all serious with the logic.

Okay - fine. But I think the seed was still planted even if he just wanted a good laugh. I'll let it be for now. However I got it. I think alot of other adults will too.

It's good to laugh. It's also good to think about. As Christians, the worst thing we could do is keep Jesus in a box or be Bible bashers. I've known a few. I've been it a few times during my life. Never again if I can at all help it.

I've seen what it's like on the other side of the spectrum. Not a pretty picture. We need to laugh. We need to smile. We need to be Jesus with skin on, and that means sometimes we need to huddle down where it hurts, see ourselves from their perspective. Be a friend.

Isn't that why we're here?

I'm pretty sure I'm well on my way to being a Skit-head now.

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