Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Scene Two

Second rehearsal tonight - why am I already so tired? I've got two and ahalf months of this!

I think I'm going to need to take a break from critique group until after the play. Don't kill me, guys! I'll see how things go, but at this rate I'm not going to have any time to look at submissions to critique, much less have anything of value to contribute. Something I really need to think about.

Scene two was a little more involved, but we got to experience our first scene with the crew portraying the radio actors doing a rendition of the Lone Ranger. Oh my gosh - absolutely hilarious. There's three of them and they have to do all the character voices and special effects sounds for the scenes. One says something about riding away on the horse, then two horses, three, four and five. The poor radio crew is trying to keep up at break-neck speed to sound like more and more horses until they collapse. It had us all practically rolling across the stage from laughing so hard.

I sure hope we get used to the scene so we don't laugh during performances. That would be bad!

Next week we do scene three. That contains a very poignant moment for my character. Maybe I'll have time this weekend to work on my lines.


Brian Johnson said...

What! Did you just break up with us on your blog.

Wow, I've been treated better by ex-girlfiends. They broke up with me by e-mail.

I guess I'll just cry myself to sleep . . . without pants.

Denise said...

Oh you are so bad! I'm telling Bree. I plan to see you next week, but then I'll probably have to take a break until after the play production. Don't worry - I wasn't going to leave without saying goodbye (even if it is only for a little while).