Monday, June 30, 2008

Being Braindead and Blowing Up The Sky

I'm having a braindead moment.

I've been so busy the last few weeks that I can hardly see straight. Work at the office has been insane. My son was gone last week and is now back home. I'm freaking out because it is almost Independence Day. I mean come on! June just started like YESTERDAY. How can it possibly be over?

Of course that means it is time to blow up the sky. Yes, the famous family tradition. We live in an area that sells the REALLY good stuff. Fireworks are my one big weakness on which we spend hundreds of dollars a year. And don't start with me - I'm well aware that many people feel it is like taking a match to dollar bills. You're just burning up hard-earned money. That may be true, but sometimes you have to live a little and just have some fun.

So Independence Day is the one time we plan for every year. I have no qualms about plunking down good money for some really incredible displays. The tradition seems to have been picked up by my son. Last year he spent almost a hundred dollars of his own money. Yes, the baton has been passed. I'm so proud.

Sometimes you've got to blow caution to the wind and let your hair down. Just make sure it doesn't catch on fire. You know, it is probably best that you keep it in a ponytail or bun until after the fireworks show.

We usually get together with my family and pool resources to have one incredible personal fireworks display. It lasts for hours and hours. Then the boys usually start a funeral pyre for one of the action figures chosen for sacrifice that particular year and burn up most of the leftover tubes and such so that there is little left to discard but ashes once we are finished.

I'm not yet ready for it all this year. We haven't even begun to buy our explosives. Hopefully I'll have time to go out tomorrow evening after work and pick up some choice items. My son has already started compiling his list. Sure hope he's compiled his money too.

I only hope I'm not braindead come the 4th!

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