Saturday, February 7, 2009

Calvin Klein or BVD's?

I almost upchucked when I opened my browser this evening.

There was a story on there about ten things every single guy should own, or something like that. Figured I'd pull it up and see what it had to say, if it was on the mark or if it was drivel.


The thing was talking about how men should own $200 plus dress shoes because women pay attention to shoes and brands so much, $150 plus jeans that one could wear to a dive bar or 5-star restaurant, and all sorts of other such nonsense.

I mean come on - what are we trying to do here, further the feminization of men in our society? I like a guy who knows how to clean up too, but gee!

Personally, I'd take a cowboy in a cheap pair of Levi's over Prada-boy anyday.

It amazes me how frivolous our culture has become when what a man or woman wears and if they know their labels actually has greater value in certain eyes than the character and values of said man or woman. Isn't there something to be said for honesty, integrity, and fiscal responsibility?

Those may be considered old-fashioned, but in this woman's eyes they stand head and shoulders above any label someone may be sporting on their jeans.

Because it says to me that said person with label-itis is probably carrying a great deal of debt on their credit card, much more so how small they probably view themselves in all reality. If someone places greater value on their appearance instead of who they are as a person, that would make that individual very shallow in the departments that matter.

Which probably explains why I'm still single.

And if there are any guys opening their browser and reading this post this evening, take a hint.

I guarantee you that there are alot more me's out there than you think, and who you are means more to us than whether you're wearing Calvin Klein or BVD's.

Not that we're looking, mind you.

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