Monday, February 9, 2009

Layoff Disruptions

Last week I had to make a difficult decision.

Our upcoming annual writer's retreat is this weekend down at Osage Hills in Oklahoma. Funny - a Kansas writer's group going to Oklahoma for their retreat.

Hey, there's good reasoning behind that.

So anyway, I've been looking forward to getting away from the hustle and bustle to spend a long weekend doing nothing but writing and meeting with my fellow writers. It's a wonderful opportunity I look forward to every year. Our first year was freezing cold, a dusting of snow and active wildlife all day long. Perfect writing atmosphere! Last year it was cold but rainy the whole time - another perfect writing year. The wood was just a bit wet and hard to start though.

The layoff has sure thrown a snag into my life's plans. Since I have not yet secured ample employment, I canceled my cabin reservation last Friday. Kinda hurt. Yes, I have the money to go right now, but there's no telling how long I could end up out of work. My savings may need to last awhile at this rate.

Plus, for some strange reason, my son isn't off this Friday this year. They always end up with the Friday before President's Day out of school for teacher in-service. It's been that way for as long as I can remember. Looked at the calendar last week and he's got school.

Go figure.

So that rather sealed it for me to cancel my plans. With my son being in high school, I hate to take him out of school. His big choir trip to Memphis is coming up next month too, so he'll be out a few days for that as well. A few of his classes require him to actually be in class to complete his work (like drafting), so he'll have enough to catch up on shortly. Don't need to throw another make-up day into the mix.

So it's all working out for the best. For that I can't complain.

Even if I will miss everyone. To my fellow critiquers - have a great time. I'll be thinking about you. :-)

And if for some reason you hear pebbles on your windows or something drops down your chimney, remember that I'm miles away.

You can't blame it on me this time. It's probably Gary.


Gary said...

I am invoking my fifth amendment rights in advance.

Denise said...

As well you should - remember, I've known you for years!