Friday, February 27, 2009

First Foray into Forensics

My son participated in his first forensics "Student Congress" tournament today. Boy, was he a nervous wreck last night and this morning.

They left out this afternoon during sixth hour, so he missed one and ahalf classes today. He was kinda bummed about missing the quiz in English. Wow - who is this kid and what has happened to my son?

Guess he's growing up.

Anyway, he's been nervous about the unknown and unexpected. Forensics was different when I was in school. We didn't do a congress or anything, just poetry, interpretive, prose, plays, improv, etc. When I was in it, we always tended to do really well for our little 3A school.

So that's kinda what he was expecting to do, not writing pros and cons of issues. Sounds more like debate (which I didn't participate in). Therefore, I had no way to prepare him for what to expect.

Been praying all day and evening.

He just called a few minutes ago to let me know that he had to do two. Received a four out of six on the first one and a five out of six on the second one.

I was thrilled!

He's just hungry.

I imagine when he has some time to think about it a little bit, he'll be pretty happy with himself too.

After all - he faced his fear and conquered it. Can't ask more than that.

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