Thursday, July 31, 2008

Spazing Out!

I'm about to have a complete spaz attack!!!!!

Gee, that hasn't happened since high school.

I just received confirmation this evening from one of my sisters that they are going to be able to make it up to my place to celebrate Thanksgiving this year. That means the whole entire family is for the very first, ever in my lifetime, oh my golly-gee gosh going to be up to my place all at the same time.


My old house was entirely too small to entertain a few friends, much less my whole family. My sisters each have four kids, one is now married and has my first great-niece and their husbands. I'll have (hopefully if the older kids also come) the potential to have a grand total (including my parents) in my home of eighteen people. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It will be like one big giant slumber party lasting the entire weekend (or at least until they get tired of me).

My new house has tons of space and is divided up nicely so that the kids can stay up late without disturbing we old foggies too much. We have tons of new furniture to keep everyone comfortable and my mom has already agreed to bring up her little combo TV so that the guys can have the big TV in the family room to satisfy their sports attacks while we girls go pile on my big huge bed and set up her little telly for girlie movies (no not that kind, Gary).

Then, of course, there will be the food. I'm no gourmet chef but can put together an edible feast. We'll eat well all weekend.

I can hardly wait!


Brian Johnson said...

Hee hee hee . . .


Denise said...

But it's for a good cause!

Gary said...

For an invite, I'll bring over MY girlie movies to share.

Denise said...

I already told you, Gary, not THOSE kind.