Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Fridge Is In The Building

We're getting the last few legs on the Thanksgiving celebration next week.

I'm so excited! Wait, I think you probably know that by now.

This evening we went to Lowe's to pick up a cute little fridge for extra goodies and storage space for all the food both before Thanksgiving and after.

My freezer will thank me.

Next week I'm taking off so that I can finish up my preparations for the big party. Need to run to Wal-mart and pick up some last minute veggie items. Didn't want to pick those up last weekend and have them wilt before next week. The house is in desperate need of a good scrubbing since I worked on sets all day last Saturday. My poor house is feeling very neglected.

I'm just looking forward to have a few moments go relax too. Been pushing it pretty hard this week both in work, the play, and final prep mode. The cough is still nagging at me like a bitter old woman. Getting kinda tired of her presence, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, hoping to get some much needed sleeping in Saturday morning and maybe a moment to relax.

Come next week there will be no time for anything but partying!

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